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    The Community

Don’t hide yourself in a water barrel!


The moment you seeders and hillers have been waiting for has arrived. Tonight we are going to start a limited harvest of the Norland Red potatoes! So if you broke your back out there with the gang, please come and share in the early harvest tonight! We want to keep this harvest under control because the other varieties are still putting on some size. Please only harvest on the set nights so we can make sure we maximize the yield of our hard work and only harvest plants that are ready!

On saturday the Home Depot is sending out a small army of volunteers to help us install our hoop houses. We will also be having a casual barbeque. If you have something you would like to make and share with the crowd that’s wonderful, if you don’t come out anyway, EOGG will be suppliying buns, sausages, and a vegetarian alternative. We may also see the national communities in bloom judges for a brief visit. 

Its a busy week and we need hands on site to help!


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