Harvest Dinner this Saturday
Hey I am getting very excited for the Harvest Dinner, the weather will be warm, I will bring a jacket for the evening, and i am looking forward to all the yummy food we are sharing. I have gotten many e-mails in the last couple of weeks and so to answer any questions i made a list of who is bringing what thus far, and those who have not responded, have a look at the list and perhaps be inspired : )
We would like if everyone could bring something home made to this dinner with the exception of our guests, perhaps something miraculous with veggies from the garden, salads, vegetarian dishes, desserts, and of course wine and beer are welcome, as well, to share. We will have glasses, plates, and cutlery provided for the event as well as sausages, chicken, and fruit juices. This is a great opportunity for everyone to meet those they have not met, meet their families, and get to know one another. I would ask everyone to please RSVP and I would like to take advantage of this large gathering to host an AGM meeting as well. This will give everyone an opportunity to share some of their thoughts, experiences, and ideas based on this years season and previous seasons. We would also like to discuss next years direction and focus for EOGG and would welcome as much input as possible
RSVP List – if you have not RSVP’d or if I forgot someone, please contact me: elvirafalconer@gmail.com
Vicky, Tim, Roman, and Spouse – vegetable dish and potato casserole
Jack and Spouse
Reg and Spouse
Travis, Claire, Viv
Robert, Elvira, Kitzia, Peter- chocolate beet cake
Natalka- zucchini parmigiana
Suzanne and Kevin-
Morris-scarlett runner bean salad w/pumpkin seeds and potatoes
Marc, Bo and Leo- home made spring rolls
Jeannie and Rick-
Ken and Diane- pickled garlic and mustard pickles
Dyle and Julie-
John and Karen
Tara and Chad-
Jeannie-pick up chicken and sausage from Sunterra Market
Natalka will bring condiments and tablecloths
Barn-tables and chairs, lighting, coffee urn
Elvira- utensils, plates, napkins, bread, beverages, host AGM with Vicky, Travis, and Dyle
Dyle- set up lights in the barn
Ken,Travis, Chris-BBQ’s
thank you and see you all Saturday,
: D Elvira