A new year and here at EOGG we are re-organizing our members records. Why is this?
We have found that we don’t have the email addresses of everyone because some of you are contacted through this website and your account here. In other instances we have your usernames on the website, but not your lovely name.
We want also clearer ways to communicate among ourselves, using an email list, and with the community in general, using the website.
In response to the above we have created two different email lists using Google Groups:
- Guests and Friends of EOGG
We have send invitations to the email addresses we have on record. A mixture of members and people that at some point in time have showed interest or participated in our garden. This list is for few general announcements through the year. If you or someone wishes to belong to this list you can request to be added to it here:
- Members of EOGG
You can be invited to this list through a pre-registration form. We need this extra step to have your confirmation of your interest in being a member of EOGG and to have your name and email address. The following link to the form, that you can fill now, will also be sent to the list above in the following days:
So, please go ahead, keep an eye on your inbox for the invitation to our email lists and, if you want to be part of our Members list, fill the pre-registration form at http://goo.gl/abMGZ today!
Please contact me directly if you have any questions or comments and stay warm too!
Joseph (jlcarma at gmail.com) on behalf of EOGG’s board team.