Roman, weeding half the farm in a morning… You have to wake up early to beat Dyle there.
Hi everbody new and experienced! Welcome to the 2012 Growers Guild. We’ve got a ton of cool stuff to announce so I’ve put together a list:
1. Greenhouse
Winter was really productive for the EOGG Chained Basement Trolls Grant Writers. We had some great help from Roger Graves Writing Class WRS 302 that provided us some solid documents to get us rolling. Thanks to Vicky for running over the submissions with an hatchet eye for detail. We secured the CIP $5000 dollar grant that put us over the top to purchase our new production greenhouse
2. Curriculum Integration.
In conjunction with Community Service Learning (CSL), and with shout outs to Geordie, @Unclehat12 and @meganSLrogers for down to the wire last minute follow through, we are currently funding a position to research Urban and Community Agriculture in the context of Canadian Universities.
Our hope is to present Dean Kennelly of ALES with a coherent package sometime in the late fall that lays out the specific areas where we see The Growers programming integrating with the curriculum of ALES. We’ve connected with two interested Professors on this so we should have some news as our research progresses!
3. Community Orchard.
We are finalizing the purchase of 30 prairie hardy fruit trees / shrubs from Little Tree Nursery in consultation with Dr. Ken Fry at Olds College and are leveraging the skill set of one of our newest volunteers Ben Pike. He has worked on and designed community orchards and is super stoked very keen to have this new project be a success.
4. Childrens Garden.
Our friends at APIRG have once again supported the Vision of EOGG and stepped up to fund the construction of a Childrens area at EOGG. Thanks to Elvira and Suzana for keeping this idea afloat! We are planning on building raised beds, a Scarlet Runner tunnel, and a native grassed area for the kids to hang out, garden and relax after we make them pick rocks for hours.
5. Our first field day will be Saturday, May 5 @ 10am.
We will try to meet and get a few of our crops in the ground. This will be a good day to get a feel for the Farm. We wont worry too much about production but as always there will be a ton of stuff to do!
Remember, this is our forum for chatting, so if you want to engage with the folks @growersguild this is the place to do it. You can always just reply to an email you receive and Posterous (the web host) will do the rest. You can also hit us up via email or on Facebook and Twitter, but you’re destined to get a little more isolated response.
Welcome to the Guild,
Travis Kennedy (Prezi)