We have lots of potatoes yet to harvest – 509 hills still to dig up ( actual count )
I have even tilled under 20 feet of the north end of the field to reduce the number of hills left
to dig up.
Some of the potato hills are giving up lots of potatoes.
Yukon Gold – 3 hills – 40 lbs huge potatoes 3 to 4 lbs each
Pink and Yellow – 4 hills – 35 lbs
Banana – 4 hills – 30 lbs
So even on the low side at 7 lbs per hill @ 500 hills possibly 3500 lbs + left to harvest!!!
Come out and get some more potatoes.
Major earthworks on the go in the new garlic field – trenching, tilling and about 20 yards of compost needs to be placed, spread and tilled in. We can use lots of hands for the harvest and the shoveling tonight.