Hi Gang,
I’ve been keeping this relatively quiet, but I’ve been piloting a for profit venture this spring in my back yard. Its a salad green endeavor, and there is a little bit of press around it right now. I wanted to share it with you folks. There will be a CBC news piece tonight at 5:20pm and 6:05pm.
And there is an online article about the production here:
Link to Kevin Kossowan’s piece on Lactuca:
Of course you can always visit me @ the 124grandmarket Thursday Evenings between 5 and 9 (though I sell out quickly, you are better off banking on EOGGs greens;)
Finally I’ve set up a how to site for the business www.lactuca.ca, check it out for salad green production pointers.
See you folks on Saturday morning (weather permitting) we will at least get our fruit trees in the ground.
Keep it green,